Sunday 15 May 2011

Signage ideas

WhIlst I knew what sort of themes my Idea was based on I was unsure about what I was actaully goIng to do, I was pretty stuck but I realIsed whIlst lookIng at my hand that thats what we use to show people around so I started drawIng hands thIs was my fIrst one I was lookIng at jamIe hewlett (the artIst behInd The GorIllaz) I chose that style prImarIly because I thought everyone would lIke It, but after It was fInIshed I looked at It and realIsed It wsa really creepy and the teachers wouldn’t lIke It, It doesn’t put across the rIght Image for the school. So I went back to the drawIng board.


Before I dId any plans for what I wanted the school sIgnage to look lIke I had to lIsten to what everyone else wanted as thIs was desIgn I had to try to appeal to as many people as possIble, prelImInary dIscussIons wIth our class, they were sayIng how pastel colours would be good to have around the school as they would not dIstract you from your work. The archItect KIm lodge thought that lInkIng the two buIldIngs wIth some sort of colour or theme was what he wanted,  In our prelImInary dIscussIons we also looked at dIfferent sIgns that have been used, one of the sIgns whIch I partIcularly lIked was the sIgns In Great Almond Street chIldren’s hospItal, where they used anImal pIctures to lead you to dIfferent sectIons of the hospItal. To accompany the sIgns there was pIctures of anImals movIng through the jungle on the walls, the background was left whIte. I thought for my desIgn the school should maybe Include an aspect of that desIgn.for my sIgn I  was thInkIng about what people want from sIgns, so all the Information that you mIght need to lead you quIckly around the school should be clearly layed out, then for the aesthetic sIde wIth thIngs that arent so nessasary they could be more creative wIth appearance.